March 10, 2005


Omen: an occurrence or phenomenon believed to portend a future event (Merriam-Webster)

Do those small slips inside fortunate cookies count? Can they be considered as omens? I usually have never paid much attention on what those slips say. But before I learned the result of my architect registration exam, as the crunch time getting closer, I became abnormally sensitive to any tiny Signs occurred around me. "Does it mean the result could be not favorable?" "Am I not going to pass this final one?" Those kinds of questions kept haunting me continuously. Honestly, even if I couldn't pass, I admit I would be disappointed in a sense, but I don't think I would be totally overwhelmed. For I believe it doesn't mean I am not qualified to be a good architect. However, the anxiety for the result of exam still couldn't be extinguish. Therefore, while I saw those two slips inside the fortunate cookies I got with my lunch boxes from a Chinese restaurant consecutively, the first thought arose immediately was: Could it be an omen? Is that the message from you, God?


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