July 23, 2005

johnny & burton

I am not sure since when did I start to grow on Johnny Depp's nutty movies. But, if you like him and chocolates as I do, I recommend you go seeing "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory." It is a movie full of imagination.

Some architectural enthusiasts might find the form and style of that enormous chocolate factory familiar from some other movies. Well, give you a hint. The director is
Tim Burton. Got it? He had also directed the Batman and the Batman Return.

Additionally, you probably don't want to miss another movie, well, animation precisely, collaborated by Johnny and Tim,
Corpse Bride, coming soon in this year.

July 21, 2005

first lunar landing, july 20th, 1969

Did you try that Google Earth? (A new search engine recently unveiled by Google for geographic locations, anywhere on the entire planet.) If not, you ought to try it! Especially the "Directions" function—you will be blown away!

Yesterday, July 20th, Google launched another website “Google Moon.” It is a Google way to commemorate the first lunar landing 36 years ago. This website allows you to surf the Moon’s surface and check out the exact spots that the Apollo astronauts made their landings.

By the way, remember to zoom in all the way. It is so hilarious!