May 06, 2005

farewell, martina & frank

They were both from Switzerland. Martina was my teammate since the first semester in GSAPP Columbia University. Actually we did be in the same groups for many classes we took. It is obviously the main reason why we also have close friendship out of the school. I guess why I taking salad more than before is also because of her. She is a vegetarian. Going out for meals with her doesn't allow me to have a lot of choices apparently.

After graduated, I only saw Martina once. She came in the Bay Area with Frank for their vacation last summer. I, as a local, had the responsibility to take them around. During their visit I learned that they had almost made a plan to go back to Switzerland for goods soon. I promised that will go back to New York to visit them at least once, before they leave. However I didn't keep my promise. Till early last month, she still asked me the possibility of throwing them a visit.

Now, they are gone on their back-home trip somewhere in Asia. (Instead of flying east directly from New York to Switzerland, they decided taking west and dropping by some Asian cities on the way.) Farewell, Martina and Frank. I am sure I will see you again. This time I will try my best to keep my words very serious.


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